

Help us bring the power of Capoeira to Our Bay Area Communities!
Capoeira's Impact, the art of empowerment:
The traditional Afro-Brazilian martial art-form of Capoeira builds strong children, adults, and community!
Capoeira promotes strength, flexibility, coordination, and balance. At the same time, it sharpens participants’ ability to focus, boosts their self-confidence, and provides physical conditioning that combats obesity and other markers of ill-health. Finally, through sharing a song, dance, and culture, capoeiristas discover the beauty and power of the African Brazilian culture and can begin to examine its cross-cultural influences and significance to their personal lives.
Our goal is for children and youth to develop:
Better self-expression and self-empowerment
Greater awareness of oneself & others
Greater senses of belonging to a community, through broader social networks and friendships
Ways to mitigate personal challenges and trauma
Awareness of better lifestyle choices including nutrition, stress management, and collaboration
By engaging in this practice, children, youth, and adults alike develop physical, emotional, and moral discipline and wellness. In the roda (Capoeira circle), participants learn the power of self-determination; develop empathy, teamwork, and trust, and hone many life skills that will serve them well in all facets of life.
We strive to create meaningful and rewarding learning experiences that will remain with the children and adults for the rest of their lives, and encourage a culture of active non-violent citizens.
We invite you to join us in discovering and deepening your experience of Capoeira!

Creating More Outreach Around Capoeira:
As our group continues to develop, our plans will expand the practice to more children and youth in under-resourced areas of San Francisco’s Bay Area. From providing free classes and subsidized uniforms to participating in area cultural festivals and events, to travel to Brazil’s Bahia de Salvador region (the cradle of Capoeira), and collaborating with local cultural and educational organizations, we look forward to developing more ways to help our participants and their communities achieve deepening levels of wellness.
Professor Sereno and his student assistants are dedicated to using Capoeira as a means to encourage each student to reach his or her highest potential: as a practitioner, as an individual, and as a community member.
Please click here to learn more about how you can get involved, as a student, volunteer, or supporter!